The Oud Lab

Thaqeel S

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  • Regular price $30.00
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So many Thaqeels, So many Qadeems and Kalakassis, yet, only a handful few deliver and stay true to their name....and those which deliver, are usually amongst the priceiest due to their rarity and profile value. 

But every once in a while....(a long while that is), one might encounter an oil or two which punch way above their weight, and is lucky to be able to acquire some.

Thaqeel S is one of those oils.

This is a co-distillation of organic and wild woods of South Thailand near the Malaysian borders....I know what you might think.....Now that you read "Thailand", you might think that it's another dense sweet crassna profile similar to all those usual Trats....that..... it "ain't nothin special"...
but keep on reading as you're in for a surprise!

We named it Thaqeel Special (Thaqeel S for short) for a number of reasons.
It's an oil that gives any oud lover glimpses of really high grade and rare profiles in the oud space....
it teases your olfactory receptors of what an old malay purple vapors are like, discretely!....
it gives you a taste, of the dark berries and resinous profile of the legendary Kanbi Koh.....
Flashbacks of the Cambodi Qadeems and their dense incensy woody profile (way different than the red rich Koh Kong profile btw). 
It's Thaqeel as it truly is, dense. Very dense!

Many samples were sent to clients, 0 negative feedback on this oil.
This is a very safe buy for any oud lover who wants to use a lovable and luxurious oil that is reminiscent of legendary profiles of bygone-eras.