The Oud Lab

Purple Haze - 紫薫

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It was around 2am and I had to wake up in less than 5 hours.
That's when the inspiration hit!

Oud heads close to me know that one of the profiles that I crave the most is the smokey/incensy type. If you look at our offerings in general, you'll see this as a reoccurring theme in a way.

That night I wanted to create something personal. something for myself.
I pulled out 10 bottles of my oud & perfumery arsenal and started "painting" with scent.

I wanted to make a personal oud creation that is heavy, daring, but at the same time elegant, beautiful and refined.

When you make something and intend it for yourself, you don't spare any materials.  regardless of the price, rarity, age, you just use what realizes your olfactory vision,... and this is exactly what happened in this composition.
No ouds or materials were spared. all to achieve this vision.

I did a number of renditions to the compositions after that night, to end up with a heavy oud based creation. heavy in terms of being heavy on the oud percentage.

imagine purple incense smoke that is engulfed with a ripe sweet floral hues. a scent that opens up with such a beauty and elegance, and gets stronger and heavier on ancient oud profiles as it dries down. 

I honestly had no intention of making this composition available for sale. I made it for myself. I sent my close oud heads samples just to tease them with it, and as expected, they all wanted some more.
I ended up keeping 3grams for myself and the rest was sold out.

Luckily I had more left of the exact same ingredients, and I'm able to offer it to you here. Once one of those old ouds run out, there will be no more Purple Haze. For me, this is history in the making.

If you're into incensy profiles, bittersweet woods, molasses like florals, old oud profiles...then you'll enjoy this.

2023 Update:

So far, we've ran out of 2 batches of Purple Haze in no time.

Due to the very high demand, we had to consider making a new batch of Purple Haze. will it be the last? highly probable. why? you'll understand the more you read below.

This creation utilizes a number of my own privately owned ouds. Using rarities in a blend is probably illogical and doesn't make any sense for a number of reasons.

Rare & Expensive
Musk and Ambergris are both, rare & expensive materials.

However, there's still enough supply for a perfumer to make perfumes using both of those materials. They are "rare".....yes,... but with the right connections, one can still get his hands on some atlantic ambergris or some siberian musk-pods. Also, the profile of say Siberian Musk, is more or less the same amongst different siberian musk pods. So yes, both materials are expensive, but they're not as rare as some dying breeds of oud oils are. 

This is what's been used in Purple Haze. It's taking rarity to another level!

Limited, truly Limited.
Rare oud oils usually come in very very limited quantities. Using them in a blend is not practical as the perfumer wouldn't be able to recreate that blend in the future. There are those old distinct and very unique profiles that you stumble upon them once in a very very long while. That's if you ever do.

Reliance on expensive materials is one thing, and it's another thing when it's expensive AND very limited in quantity

In terms of financial sense, selling the single origin oud oils used in Purple Haze on their own would demand a much higher price than what Purple Haze is currently priced at. If it was (ROI)/best financial return that we're after, we would be better off selling the oud oils on their own.

Why do it then?
To explore the possibilities of beauty. To add value and share a scent that will accompany many oud lovers in making new memories. To offer something of beauty, of high value,  something special & unique. To offer a blend that is limited not by empty talk or labels, but by a number of finite grams that utilize some of the most exclusive and rare aromatics in the world.