The Oud Lab

Merauke Shinrin

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Oud oils tend to evoke certain primal states & feelings in us. I personally do "feel" the character of an oil & what kind of energy it emits and invokes in me. 

Some of Borneos are pure Chi! Energy! A swipe will freshen you up and ignites the feeling of motivation, positivity, drive and grit!

Cambodis are the regal type. formal yet friendly sophistication. An aura of presence. some can be daring and express luxury.

Hindis on the other hand can be carnal and sensual. A dose that will satisfy a hard oud craving.

What about Meraukes then?

well....first often do you stumble upon a high quality Merauke? a Merauke that really is an experience  rather than a scent? Those oils are indeed hard to come by!

I have sampled dozens of so called "Meraukes" only to be disappointed with an overdose of diesel-like notes, charred smell, or sometimes a sort of diluted faint green spineless oils which exhibit faint incensy hues. and the latter was sold as one of the good ones! 

Now... this?....this is something else.... 
This is incense in a bottle. This is the type of oil that transports you into a lush green rainforest after the rain. The smell of soil, greenery, fresh dampness...all engulfed in a cloud of fog-like smooth incense. The energy of this oil is rooting. Anchoring and Meditative!

This oil has been maturing in my own possession for the last 5 years. and I haven't bought it fresh off the still either. So you can have a rough idea about the age of this oil. If you own some quality Meraukes, you will know what age does to those. No more descriptions needed.

if you're too busy to meditate, take a swipe of this oil. it will force you to.