The Oud Lab


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 LAO XIANG 老香 is the sibling of LAO SHĀN 老山

The story of acquiring those 2 gems can be read by clicking on this sentencehowever, in this page, I'd like to tell you more about this oil. LAO XIANG:

Oils of this caliber don't come around too often. Especially at our day and time.
it's simple:
raw materials + age + the fact that it's wild.

Nowadays even if you could afford the money to buy high grade raw materials and be crazy enough to distill it, you'd still be missing the age factor.

I've just applied a swipe to be able to give Lao Xiang a proper description, and it sure is complex! It's like a symphony playing.

This syrupy aged wild oil exhibits a complex elegant profile. It has a sweet resinous profile, the sweetness is not the overly sweet type, it's rather divided into half Cambodi half Borneo sweetness in a way.

It's syrupy and resinous,...the type of resin that reminds you of the old Malay profiles. oudy indeed!

It also has a bit of calming "dampness" that is anchoring. Floral musky notes with hues of sour notes...all on top of a light base of very clean leather. the leather smell of an old Italian journal if you will!

This oil has a very unique profile indeed. It's an elegant and -an easy wear- oil that will challenge your olfactory vocabulary and senses. It's THE OIL that I get asked about the most when I'm personally wearing it. A hitter amongst the crowds.