The Oud Lab

Karasu - 鴉 - دهن عود مبخر

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This is definitely for you, if you're someone who craves an oudy resinous jolt dipped in incense smoke, as well as bonfire smoke!

We're known of the resinous dark berries profiles, and this time we wanted to offer that next to a bonfire in a calm autumn night.

this is our design to showcase what a beautiful smokey oud can smell like. No animalic or leathery notes in this one. As a matter of a fact, this is in the same genre of Kanbi Koh and Thaqeel Special but with a boost of incense smoke.

No distillation B.S. talks about how conventional or non-conventional the setup was. No mumbo jumbo about using mysterious waters in the "distillation". This oil has been designed and blended at our lab for your satisfaction. blended? yes. from numerous oud oils, as well as The Oud Lab's creative retouches.

Curious?... Once you take a swipe, you'll know.... oh you WILL know :)

دهن عود مبخر مصمم من عدد من أفخر الأدهان لدينا مع لمحات تضفي عليه الطابع الدخاني الأخاذ.