The Oud Lab

Fili Fu Sen 富森

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  • Regular price $90.00
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What we have here is a very special offering for oud lovers!
This type of agarwood doesn't come by that often, and definitely not for this offered price.

As for the name, Fili stands for Filipino, Fu Sen stands for Red Soil / Red Clay agarwood.

Fu Sen (or Soil agarwood in general) is the second most expensive agarwood in the world after the famous Kinam!

Why is that? One might ask...
Soil agarwood is agarwood that's been buried under the "soil" for a long time.
This process causes the wood fibers to slowly disintegrate and weaken. It's like brewing a strong cup of tea or coffee for a long time, or leaving fruits to ripen.
The result? The purest oud aroma you might find!

After this process, there's very little "wood fibers" left in the agarwood. This gives you a very pure aroma of the oud character without the smell of burnt wood, as most wood fibers are weakened and disintegrated.

With Fu Sen, you're getting one of the purest aromas of oud which is better than most types in this price range.

But then, there's more! Those tiny chips are mostly of sinking grade. Every single chip will bubble! Guaranteed! 
You're basically placing the purest oud form on your charcoal/subitism and you'll be getting the amazing resinous oudy heavenly wafts. No off notes to blemish that heavenly experience!

The smell is really smooth, no prickly notes or over herbal tones. Wafts of velvety woody nuances dipped in cinnamon and caramel sweetness. One of the most beautiful profiles you can come across. 

Those are tiny chips indeed, but they're gold for the ones who know.